Python - User Input - Type Casting

Type casting

Type casting is a process to convert a variable datatype to another variable data type.

Let's see two types of conversion that are implicit and explicit.

Implicit is conversion in which a variable is converted automatically by Python, whereas an explicit conversion is converting based on user requirements.

For example, int () converts the data type to an integer variable and str () converts the data type to a string variable.

Typecasting the input to an integer

if you get a requirement to convert integer input from the user, below is an example that takes two inputs from the console and types cast them to an integer value to print the sum.

User Input - Multiple user inputs

In Python multiple methods are available but we will see an example of using split() method.

split() methods help get multiple inputs from the user and break the input by a specified separator. If in case separator is not provided then any while space is a separator.

split () method is used to split a Python string and it can be used in multiple inputs let's see an example.

Python Output - print()

print() function prints the message to the screen.

syntax : print(value(s), sep= '', end ='\n', file=file)


value(s)= value that can be converted to a string before printed

sep= 'separtor'

end: 'end'

file: an object with a write method. defualt :sys.stdout

return type: it returns output to the screen


print (a,b,c,spe="_")

print (" python for devops", end="**")

Another example of split method by storing the value in .txt file

One of more Output method - format() method

format () method helps us to concatenate the elements within an output through positional formatting.

for an exmple

# using format() method

print ('welcome to {} for "{}!"'.format (Python','devops training'))

we will use above image program and change with format () method to demonstrate .

we can even print the value with indexing like below


Note :- variables are a like container to hold the values and the naming conventions must be meaningful that describe the value it holds

  • Local Variables

    Local variables scope is within the function like the below example

    def addsum( firstnum, secondnum) # function defined

    sum = firstnum + secondnum

    return sum

    here ( firstnum, secondnum) is accessible within the function

    Global Variables -

    it is defined in the main body of the program outside the functions. global variable accessible in the entire program.

    a = int(2) -- a global variable

    b= int (3) -- a global variable

    def addsum( firstnum, secondnum)

    sum = firstnum + secondnum

    return sum

Data types:-

  • Integers - accept integer value ( 3,45,34)

  • float - accept value in digits (1.3,3.4,4.4)

  • complex - combination of real and imaginary ( 3 +7j) or (3i + 7j)

  • strings - string value " enter your value"

Python Data Types – PYnative

Thtat's end of today's topic